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The NEDRI process is comprised of many different individuals and organizations representing government, industry, environmental and consumer groups

(Click on a Name to see Contact Info or
Click HERE to View ALL Contact Info )
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Organization Representative
Maine PUC Tom Austin 
Maine PUC Denis Bergeron (alternate)
AIM/Texas Instruments Jeff Bergman (alternate)
Vt. PSB Ann Bishop (alternate)
PRL Coalition Aaron Briedenbaugh 
PJM Stuart Bresler (alternate)
NH PUC Nancy Brockway 
Joint DRR Supporters/Ecubed Ruben Brown 
ME Public Advocate Eric J. Bryant (alternate)
ISO-NE Robert Burke 
PG&E Chris Bursaw (alternate)
NEEP Sue Coakley 
NESCAUM Ken Colburn 
PACE Larry DeWitt 
NU David Dobratz 
Union Concerned Scientists Deborah Donovan 
Vt. PSB Michael Dworkin 
Green Mountain Energy Chris Frangione  
Mirant Pete Fuller 
NAESCo Don Giligan 
PJM Craig Glazer 
DRAM/Peregrine Energy Paul Gromer 
National Grid Mike Hager 
CT Consumer Counsel Nancy Harnick (alternate)
RI PUC Doug Hartley 
MTC Raphael Herz (alternate)
CT PUC Cindy Jacobs 
Low Income Network Elliott Jacobson 
CT DEP Chris James 
UCS/Synapse Lucy Johnston (alternate)
MA DTE Bob Keating 
AES New Energy Bob Kinscherf 
PJM Michael Kormos (alternate)
CT Consumer Counsel Eugene Koss 
ISO-NE Dave LaPlante 
NY ISO Dave Lawrence 
NH PUC Alex Lee (alternate)
DOE Lawrence Mansueti 
MA DOER Joanne McBrien (alternate)
United Illuminating Pat McDonnell 
VT DPS Hans Mertens 
Northeast Energy Effic. Council Harvey Michaels 
FERC Scott Miller 
EPA Rick Morgan 
Mirant Vance Mullis (alternate)
VEIC Chris Neme 
Sithe John O'Brien 
ISO-NE Carolyn O'Connor 
MA DOER David O'Connor 
AIM Angela O'Connor 
Joint DRR Supporters/Ecubed Keith O'Neal (alternate)
Low Income Network Jerry Oppenheim (alternate)
United Illuminating Roger Parisi (alternate)
MA DTE Barry Perlmutter (alternate)
Competitive Energy Services Andrew Price (alternate)
DRAM George Roberts 
MA DEP Nancy Seidman 
Competitive Energy Services Richard Silkman 
HEFA Russ Silva 
FERC Alison Silverstein 
MTC Judy Silvia 
PG&E Phil Smith 
Environment Northeast Dan Sosland 
HEFA/ Mass Energy Buyers Coalition Doug Stevenson 
MTC Quincy Vale (alternate)
Vt. PSB Sandy Waldstein (alternate)
ME Public Advocate Steve Ward 
EPA Bill White 
FERC Eric Wong 
ISO-NE Henry Yoshimura 
National Grid Peter Zschokke (alternate)
(Click on a Name to see Contact Info or Click here to View ALL Contact Info )

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